Today, I’d like to tell you about a series of YouTube videos I recently discovered — or, as so often, that the YouTube algorithm discovered for me. It is about the specific soundscape of several Ukrainian cities, and the latest video is about Львів — L’viv. (There is a tiny gap, or maybe even an unstressed ‘e’ sound between the ‘L’ and the first ‘v’ in L’viv that makes it a two-syllable word — try it, it is easier to pronounce that way.) The video is in Ukrainian, but it has very good English subtitles. Here’s the link:
If you don’t have time to watch a full 45 minute video, maybe this short clip about the project is interesting. It has no subtitles, but it also doesn’t have a lot of text, so I think you’ll guess what it’s about:
A few words about sounds and music, from the first few minutes of the video:
звук /zvuk/ — sound, and from that, the verb
звучати /zvuchaty/ — to sound, as in:
як звучить Львів? /yak zvuchytʹ Lʹviv/ — what does L’viv sound like?
сьогодні Львів звучить так /sʹohodni Lʹviv zvuchytʹ tak/ — today Lviv sounds like this
зробити музику /zrobyty muzyku/ — to make music (literally! зробити is perfective)
лунати /lunaty/ — to be heard, to sound, as in:
кожного дня лунає ця мелодія /kozhnoho dnya lunaye tsya melodiya/ — every day, this melody is heard
Bold indicates stress, or at least my best guess at it. If you want to hear the pronunciation of a word of phrase, best paste it into and click the speaker icon.